227. Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Provincial Safety, Liaison and Transport:

(1) (a) For how long have problems been experienced with the 10111 service in Jeffreys Bay, (b) what is the reason for the breakdown in service and (c) who, on the part of the South African Police Service, is responsible for ensuring that this service is fully operational;

(2) whether any private company is involved in providing this service; if so, (a) what is the name of this company and (b) what are the further relevant details;

(3) whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to ensuring that this service becomes fully operational; if not, why not; if so, (a) what steps and (b) when?

228. Mr D B Haddon to ask the MEC responsible for Local Government and Traditional Affairs:

(a) What total amount was owed to creditors by each specified municipality in the province as at the latest specified date for which information is available, (b) how much of these amounts has been in arrears for more than 90 days in respect of each specified municipality, (c) what are the reasons for this non-payment in each case and (d) by when will the amounts that exceed 90 days be paid to the relevant creditors?

229. Mr D B Haddon to ask the MEC responsible for Local Government and Traditional Affairs:

(1) (a) What is causing the problem of sewage effluent flowing into the Sundays River from Jansenville and (b) for how long has this effluent been flowing into the river;

(2) whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to ensuring that this effluent flow is stopped immediately; if not, why not; if so, (a) what steps and (b) when;

(3) what amount (a) has been allocated to Jansenville for maintenance of water infrastructure for the 2010/2011 financial year and (b) is required to adequately maintain the water infrastructure in Jansenville?

230. Mr D B Haddon to ask the MEC responsible for Local Government and Traditional Affairs:

(a) What amount in revenue was collected by each specified municipality in the province in (i) the 2009/2010 financial year and (ii) from 1 April 2010 up to and including 31 May 2010 and (b) what total amount in revenue was collected by municipalities in the province in the time-frames referred to in (i) and (ii) above?

231. Mr J Pienaar to ask the MEC responsible for Health:

(1) Whether his Department has any circumcision awareness campaign in place to communicate to the communities the dangers of unlawful circumcision schools; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;

(2) whether this campaign incorporates any other provincial departments; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?

232. Mr J Pienaar to ask the MEC responsible for Roads and Public Works:

(1) (a) When will the construction work on the road between Alexandria and Nanaga be completed and (b) what is the cost per kilometre of this construction work;

(2) whether any public/private partnerships were formed for the construction work on this road; if so, what are the relevant details?

233. Mr J Pienaar to ask the MEC responsible for Roads and Public Works:

(1) What amount was budgeted for the maintenance of roads in the province for the 2010/2011 financial year;

(2) whether this amount is sufficient to deal with all the maintenance responsibilities in respect of roads in the province?

234. Mr P E van Vuuren to ask the MEC responsible for Education:

(1) What total amount was (a) budgeted for and (b) spent on catering and accommodation for the Port Elizabeth District Office for the 2009/2010 financial year;

(2) what is the detailed breakdown of how this amount was spent on these items in the 2009/2010 financial year;

(3) how did the spending on catering and accommodation affect the operational budget of the District in general in respect of service delivery to schools in the District?

235. Mr P E van Vuuren to ask the MEC responsible for Education:

Whether any circuits had been identified in the Port Elizabeth district as at the latest specified date for which information is available; if not, (a) why not, (b) when will these circuit offices be rolled out and (c) what are the time-frames for the implementation of the circuit concept; if so, (i) how many circuits have been identified, (ii) where will they be located and (iii) when will the vacancies for circuit managers be advertised?