127. Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Health:
What total amount was spent by his Department on promotional advertising in respect of (a) radio advertisements, (b) print media advertisements, (c) supplements, brochures and newspaper inserts and (e) television advertising in the 2011/2012 financial year?
128. Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Human Settlements, Safety and Liaison:
What total amount was spent by (a) Human Settlements and (b) Safety on promotional advertising in respect of (i) radio advertisements, (ii) print media advertisements, (iii) supplements, brochures and newspaper inserts and (iv) television advertising in the 2011/2012 financial year?
129. Mr D B Haddon to ask the MEC responsible for Human Settlements, Safety and Liaison:
(1) Whether it is the intention to make use of the Rural Household Infrastructure Grant to build any toilets in the province; if so, (a) how many in the 2012/2013 financial year and (b) in which specified areas;
(2) whether there are any plans to upgrade existing toilets in the province; if so, what are the relevant details;
(3) when is it anticipated that the construction or upgrading of the toilets will be completed?
130. Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Local Government and Traditional Affairs:
What total amount was spent by his Department on promotional advertising in respect of (a) radio advertisements, (b) print media advertisements, (c) supplements, brochures and newspaper inserts and (e) television advertising in the 2011/2012 financial year?
131. Mr D B Haddon to ask the MEC responsible for Local Government and Traditional Affairs:
(1) Whether he has been informed of the systematic erosion of the rates rebates afforded to public benefit organisations such as old age homes and retirement villages; if so,
(2) whether this is legal in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, Act 6 of 2004; if not,
(3) whether any steps have been or are to be taken to address this matter; if not, why not; if so, what steps;
(4) what is the extent of this problem in municipalities across the province?
132. Mr J Bici to ask the MEC responsible for Local Government and Traditional Affairs:
(1) Whether any municipalities in the province are (a) struggling to spend their Municipal Infrastructure Grants (MIG) and (b) anticipated to underspend on the MIG; if so, which specified municipalities;
(2) whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to addressing this problem; if not, why not; if so, what steps?
133. Mr J Bici to ask the MEC responsible for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform:
Whether any hectares of land or gardens were ploughed and planted with maize in Zadungeni A/A, Ngcobo, between November 2011 and February 2012; if so, how many; if not, (a) why not and (b) what happened to the money that was budgeted for this project?
134. Mr J Bici to ask the MEC responsible for Rural Development and Agrarian Reform:
(1) How many sheep in the province died from Rift Valley Fever in (a) 2010 and (b) 2011;
(2) whether these deaths were due to the ineffectiveness of vaccine; if so, what steps have been or are to be taken with a view to preventing a reoccurrence of this situation; if not, what are the relevant details?
135. Mr P E van Vuuren to ask the MEC responsible for Education:
(1) How many litigation cases were brought against his Department in the 2011/2012 financial year;
(2) (a) how many of these cases were finalised and (b) at what cost to his Department;
(3) how many of these cases were settled (a) in favour of and (b) against his Department;
(4) (a) how many of these cases were still pending as at the latest specified date for which information is available and (b) at what projected cost;
(5) what are the full details in respect of each specified (a) finalised and (b) pending case?
136. Mr P E van Vuuren to ask the MEC responsible for Education:
(1) Whether his Department has a discretionary fund budget; if not, why not; if so, on what was this budget spent in the 2011/2012 financial year;
(2) what amount has been allocated for this discretionary fund for the 2012/2013 financial year?