137. Mr D B Haddon to ask the MEC responsible for Human Settlements, Safety and Liaison:
Whether she has been informed that 70% of the transfers in respect of Collondale Village have taken place, but that the remaining 30% of the residents have still not received their transfer documents from her Department; if so, (a) what is the reason for the long delay in providing these transfer documents and (b) when will the prospective new owners be provided with these documents?
138. Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Human Settlements, Safety and Liaison:
(1) Whether in her Department’s oversight work of policing in the Fleet Street policing area, any problems have been encountered in respect of (a) absenteeism, (b) abuse of sick leave, (c) shortage of personnel, (d) vehicles, (e) manpower, (f) time taken to attend to complaints, (g) outdated equipment, (h) operation of community policing forums, (i) non-attendance to complaints by residents, (j) drunkenness on duty and (k) assaults by SAPS members on the public; if so, what are the relevant details in each case;
(2) whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to (a) addressing these problems and (b) improving her Department’s oversight work over the SAPS in the Fleet Street area; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details in each case;
(3) whether crime is being adequately combated in this area; if not, why not?
139. Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Human Settlements, Safety and Liaison:
(1) Whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to ensuring that emergency services in East London such as traffic, fire, ambulance and SAPS are co-ordinated from a central point; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details;
(2) what co-ordination exists between the municipality, the SAPS and private business in respect of the monitoring of and response to CCTV cameras in Buffalo City;
(3) whether any plan has been formulated for the roll-out of CCTV cameras in the Buffalo City Municipality; if so, when is it anticipated that this plan will be implemented;
(4) whether the SAPS is assisting the Buffalo City Municipality in any way in this regard; if not, why not; if so, what are the relevant details?
140. Mr R S Stevenson to ask the MEC responsible for Human Settlements, Safety and Liaison:
(1) What is the reason for the delay in the operation of the new 10111 centre in East London;
(2) whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to expediting this process; if not, why not; if so, (a) what steps and (b) when is it anticipated that this centre will become fully operational;
(3) (a) how many lines of the current 10111 centre are fully operational, (b) what average number of calls are dropped per month, (c) what is the average waiting time per call and (d) how old is the equipment that is currently being utilised;
(4) whether there are telephone operators who are fully conversant in the required three official languages; if not, why not?
141. Mr D B Haddon to ask the MEC responsible for Local Government and Traditional Affairs:
(1) Why was the Gobodo report on the Kouga local municipality – dated April 2011 and commissioned by the MEC – allowed to gather dust for more than a year before being published;
(2) whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to implementing the recommendations of the report, specifically those issues designated in the report as requiring urgent attention; if not, why not; if so, (a) what steps and (b) when will these steps be completed?
142. Mr J Pienaar to ask the MEC responsible for Public Works, Roads and Transport:
(1) How many road maintenance contractors were not paid within the required 30 days in respect of the R351 million contract signed between the Provincial Government and the Coega Development Corporation (CDC);
(2) why was more than R87 million for road maintenance not utilised for the maintenance of roads in the province by the CDC in respect of the contract agreement;
(3) whether she has been informed that (a) R131 million of the R351 million contract is being used by the CDC for merging consultants, managing consultants and contractors and (b) approximately 40% of the R351 million for road maintenance is being used for non-service delivery expenses; if so,
(4) whether any steps have been or are to be taken with a view to addressing this matter; if not, why not; if so, (a) what steps and (b) when?