Ngqushwa Municipality fails residents of ward 3

Following a violent storm in November 2014 in the Qugqwala area (Ward 3; Ngqushwa Municipality) many residents lost their homes.The Democratic Alliance will be writing to the Municipal Managers of the Ngqushwa and Amathole municipalities to enquire about their plan of action in order to restore this community.

After receiving numerous complaints from local residents, I visited the site yesterday.  I was horrified to see that the affected residents had not received disaster aid from the local Ngqushwa Municipality or from the Amathole District Municipality.

We have been informed that two Councillors from the Ngqushwa Municipality live in this area so this has to be viewed as a total failure on their part to assist their constituents.

Six months later, the affected residents have had to move into family and friends houses. It is totally unacceptable that six months after this disaster absolutely nothing has been done to assist the affected residents. In a free and fair society, action would have been taken promptly to restore this community.

Residents of Qugqwala deserve to be free from worrying about the safety of their children and their sense of dignity needs to be restored.

Please click on the links below to view pictures:

Disaster damage – 1

Disaster damage – 2

Disaster damage – 3

Disaster damage – 4