We expect no earth-shattering announcements from Premier Oscar Mabuyane based on his last five years in office. This province is in crisis because he has failed to build a solid foundation for economic growth.
Despite his commitment to drastically cut unemployment at the start of his term, Premier Mabuyane has dismally failed to shift the needle with the expanded unemployment rate at 47.1% and youth unemployment at over 60%.
The premier needs to deal with the appalling state of the roads that negatively impact economic growth and tourism. Roads are the lifeblood of the economy, as arteries are to the heart, and based on the current state of our roads, we are heading for an economic heart attack.
He needs to deal decisively with the state of scholar transport, where 40,000 learners are still stranded on the side of the road, unable to get to school.
Our municipalities are in crisis, with 16 of the 39 in financial distress. As the MEC of COGTA has stated, all attempts by the provincial government to turn these municipalities around have amounted to “zilch!”
The ongoing collapse of electricity and water infrastructure is negatively impacting on investment in this province.
Perhaps most importantly, Premier Mabuyane must spell out what is being done to rescue the starving children of the Eastern Cape and explain why he has not yet implemented the recommendations of the SA Human Rights Commission (SAHRC).
He also needs to come up with solutions on how the provincial government will facilitate greater safety and security in the province.
This province needs to be put on a new trajectory away from poverty and towards progress and prosperity if the dream we all have for the Eastern Cape, is going to materialise.